Alaska's Flag |
Written by Marie Drake |
Composed by Elinor Dusenbury |
Eight stars of gold on a field of blue - |
Alaska's flag. May it mean to you |
The blue of the sea, the evening sky, |
The mountain lakes, and the flow'rs nearby; |
The gold of the early sourdough's dreams, |
The precious gold of the hills and streams; |
The brilliant stars in the northern sky, |
The "Bear" - the "Dipper" - and, shining high, |
The great North Star with its steady light, |
Over land and sea a beacon bright. |
Alaska's flag - to Alaskans dear, |
The simple flag of a last frontier. |
Alaska |
is the largest state in the Union. |
It is 1/5th the size of the lower 48 states, 488 times larger |
than Rhode Island, 2 1/2 times larger than Texas, and larger |
than the next three largest states in the US combined. |
Alaska |
contains 586,412 square miles or roughly 365 million acres. |
North to South it stretches over 1,420 miles, from East to |
West it spans over 2,400 miles. More than 3000 rivers run |
through the state, connecting more than 3,000,000 lakes, |
and it has over 47,000 miles of coastline. |
Alaska |
is the last great wilderness in the U.S.A. The hand of man |
has only touched about 160,000 of it's 365 million acres. |
Over 99.5 % of the state is still untouched wilderness. |
My Mother and I |
were one of the lucky few to make the trip of a lifetime to |
experience Alaska, in the spring of 2000. The pages that |
follow attempt to share the memories and discoveries we |
were privileged to enjoy on our trip. |
We racked up the pictures on our 6 day trip -- some 4 - 24 |
exposure rolls of 35 mm film, 270 some digital camera pics |
and 1/2 hour * of video cam footage later, I am still sorting it |
all out, so look for updates often on these pages in the |
months to come. |
* (OK, ok, so it was only 19 minutes of camera footage, |
and 11 minutes of the bottom of the boat ! Sheesh !) |
us on our journey !
By Day | By Location |
Sunday | Matanuska Glacier |
Monday | Portage Glacier |
Tuesday | Big Game Alaska |
Wednesday | Whittier |
Thursday | Prince William Sound |
Friday | Kenai Peninsula |
Trapper Creek | |
Alaska Facts | |
Denali | Chugach Range |
Approximate Driving Distances | |
COOL Alaska links | |
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